189 research outputs found

    Identificazione della relazione tra riflettività radar e intensità di precipitazione-Applicazione ad eventi intensi registrati sulla Regione Piemonte

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    Noti il campo spaziale di riflettività Z [mm3], che è una misura della potenza del segnale di ritorno verso il radar che l’aveva emesso e le misure pluviometriche delle stazioni piemontesi (che sono più di 300), la metodologia proposta consiste nello stimare una relazione di potenza del tipo Z=aR^b applicabile all’intera Regione. Con tale fine si determineranno i coefficienti a e b in modo che sia possibile valutare il campo di precipitazione areale R [mm3/h]. I risultati verranno confrontati con quelli derivanti dall’attuale formula utilizzata da ARPA Piemonte: Z=300R^1.5 (Joss e Waldvoguel, 1970

    Ruolo e funzione dell'Assistente sociale in supporto alle donne vittime di reato nel sistema dei servizi territoriali. La specializzazione As.S.Vi.

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    Negli ultimi anni, il fenomeno della violenza domestica è diventato un problema sociale rilevante nel nostro Paese, a causa di un numero di femminicidi sempre maggiore. Oggigiorno molti casi di cronaca nera sottolineano, molto spesso, l’inadeguatezza della prevenzione, della metodologia di contrasto alla violenza e della tutela garantita alle vittime, troppo spesso lasciate sole dalle istituzioni, specialmente se non sporgono denuncia alle autorità competenti. Proprio da qui è nata l’idea di evidenziare le criticità e le problematiche all’interno del sistema normativo e di politiche sociali pubbliche nell’affrontare casi di violenza domestica, con l’obiettivo di arrivare a formulare procedure e strategie appropriate per riempire quelle lacune evidenziate nel nostro Paese. Dunque, la Tesi ha prodotto una procedura e una strategia sperimentale possibile da attivare ogni qualvolta che una vittima di violenza domestica chiede aiuto e supporto in un servizio pubblico territoriale. Tale strategia condivide molti dei principi fondamentali del Metodo Scotland tra cui la fase del tutoraggio, la valutazione del rischio e la presa in carico multidimensionale. Dunque, la Tesi propone una strategia di supporto e sostegno alle vittime di violenza domestica, introducendo la figura dell’As.S.Vi. e sottolineando la necessità di una valutazione del rischio e di una presa in carico multiprofessionale e multidisciplinare, proprio per evitare il continuo delle violenze e dei femminicidi

    Environmental and Economic Impact of the Antifreeze Agents in Geothermal Heat Exchangers

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    Borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) generally employ water-antifreeze solutions to allow working fluid temperatures to fall below 0 °C. However, some local regulations have forbidden antifreeze additives (even non-toxic ones) to avoid groundwater pollution in case of pipe leakage. This paper presents a techno-economic and environmental analysis of four different fluids: propylene glycol at 25% and 33% weight concentrations, calcium chloride at 20% weight concentration (CaCl2 20%), and pure water. Thermal loads from 36 case studies in six different climate zones are used to perform BHE sizing and compare the abovementioned fluids from the economic, operational, and environmental points of view. The economic analysis and the carbon footprint assessment are performed on a life cycle of 25 years considering the installation (BHE drilling, fluid) and operation (heat pump and ground-side circulation pump energy demand, fluid replacement) of the simulated GSHPs. Results highlight that using pure water as a heat carrier fluid is convenient for cooling-dominated buildings but, for heating-dominated buildings, this choice leads to a noticeable increase of the BHE needed length which is not compensated by the lower operational costs. On the other hand, avoiding the use of antifreeze additives generally leads to a reduction of the lifetime carbon footprint, with a few exceptions in very cold climates. CaCl2 20% proves to be a good choice in most cases, both from the economic and the environmental points of view, as it allows a strong reduction of the installed BHE length in cold climates with a low additional cost and carbon footprint

    Efficiency assessment for a small heliostat solar concentration plant

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    Summary In this paper, a small non-imaging focusing heliostat is presented, and an analytical model for assessing its performance is described. The main novelty of the system lies in the tracking mechanism and the mirror mount, which are based on off-the-shelf components and allow a good trade-off between accuracy and costs. The concentrator mirrors are moved by this two-axis tracking machinery to reflect the sun's rays onto a fixed target, the dimensions of which can be varied to suit the user's needs. A prototype plant to be located in central Italy was designed and simulated with a ray-tracing algorithm, and it comprises 90 heliostats for a total reflective area of 7.5 m2. The reflected solar rays are tracked taking the mechanical positioning errors of the tracking system into account. The total flux of radiation energy hitting the target was determined, and intensity distribution maps were drawn. Simulations showed that the system's optical efficiency can exceed 90% in summer, despite the tracking errors, mainly because of the smaller distance between the heliostats and the receiver. The solar concentration ratio over a receiver of 250 mm in diameter reached 80 suns with a very good uniformity. Over a 400-mm receiver, the concentrated radiation was less uniform, and the solar concentration ratio reached 50 suns, with a higher optical efficiency and collected solar radiation. The present concentration ratio is still suitable for many applications ranging from the electric power production, industrial process heat, and solar cooling. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    CI-CD practices with the TANGO-controls framework in the context of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope project

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    The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is an international effort to build two radio interferometers in South Africa and Australia to form one Observatory monitored and controlled from the global headquarters (GHQ) based in the United Kingdom at Jodrell Bank. The project is now approaching the end of its design phase and gearing up for the beginning of formal construction. The period between the end of the design phase and the start of the construction phase, has been called bridging and, one of its main goals is to promote some CI-CD practices among the software development teams. CI-CD is an acronym that stands for continuous integration and continuous delivery and/or continuous deployment. Continuous integration (CI) is the practice to merge all developers local (working) copies into the mainline very often (many times per day). Continuous delivery is the approach of developing software in short cycle ensuring that it can be released anytime and continuous deployment is the approach of delivering the software frequently and automatically. The present paper wants to analyse the decision taken by the system team (a specialized agile team devoted to developing and maintaining the tools that allows continuous practises) together with SKA architects in order to promote the CI-CD practices with TANGO controls framework